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It is time to give a DAM!

It is time to give a DAM!

Unlock personalized content at scale with Content Automation and Digital Asset Management (DAM) tools for efficient marketing operations.
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NORD DDB and Avaus launches strategic partnership

NORD DDB and Avaus launches strategic partnership

NORD DDB and Avaus join forces to enhance marketing efficiency through data, automation and creative communication for their joint customers.
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What is Content Automation and why does it matter?

What is Content Automation and why does it matter?

Explore the future of content management and unlock personalisation at scale by discovering the Why, What, and How of Content Automation.
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Increasing the relevance of your Marketing Communication in three areas

Increasing the relevance of your Marketing Communication in three areas

Avaus’ Whitepaper to learn how to achieve smart, high-quality communication using your Owned Media, while complying with GDPR and data regulations.
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Adlibris wants to create a word-class customer experience – starts collaboration with Avaus

Adlibris wants to create a word-class customer experience – starts collaboration with Avaus

Adlibris partners with Avaus to drive their customer experience forward, leveraging automation to unlock the potential of their vast data.
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How do we minimise your time spent achieving your data-driven vision?

How do we minimise your time spent achieving your data-driven vision?

Discover Avaus' component library and how we combine data from various sources, implement AI at scale and activate results for clients.
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Sales automation could be a Ferrari, but it seems stuck in the garage. How to dust it off and start driving?

Sales automation could be a Ferrari, but it seems stuck in the garage. How to dust it off and start driving?

Discover the revenue engine framework to unleash sales automation's potential. Prioritize value-driven use cases, standardize processes, and optimize outcomes for success.
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Our podcast about data-driven transformation: What can European organisations learn from the Nordic way of working?

Our podcast about data-driven transformation: What can European organisations learn from the Nordic way of working?

Discover how Avaus accelerates data-driven transformation in marketing and sales, expanding Nordic pragmatism and cross-functional expertise to Italy.
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Avaus expands European footprint – opening office in Italy in 2023

Avaus expands European footprint – opening office in Italy in 2023

Avaus expands to Milan, offering data-driven transformation expertise to Italian enterprises with new Country Manager Piero Trivellato, an experienced industry leader.
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Avaus Trainee Program Summer 2022

Avaus Trainee Program Summer 2022

Avaus 2022 Trainee Program in Stockholm offers four pathways for graduates to join, gaining applied skills in data-driven marketing and sales.
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Top 4 Takeaways from Lead Management Summit 2022

Top 4 Takeaways from Lead Management Summit 2022

Discover highlights from the Summit's two days of speeches, workshops, and coffee talks, where we participated as both listeners and speakers.
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Avaus and Outreach announce partnership

Avaus and Outreach announce partnership

Data-driven alliance: Avaus and Outreach join forces to amplify B2B companies success with smart insights and engagement.
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Top 5 takeaways from Avaus Expert Talks Stockholm 2022

Top 5 takeaways from Avaus Expert Talks Stockholm 2022

AET2022 emphasized leading personalization via metrics in marketing, sales, and services. Emma stressed balancing results, customer centricity, and efficiency for scalability.
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Newly appointed Avaus deputy CEO Mika Toikka: Finnish companies are sitting on a treasure trove of data

Newly appointed Avaus deputy CEO Mika Toikka: Finnish companies are sitting on a treasure trove of data

Avaus appoints Mika Toikka as Deputy CEO and Country Manager for Avaus Finland, aiming to lead in Europe's data-driven transformation.
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Suomalaiset jakavat Korona-arvosanoja Asiakkuusindeksi 2020 -tutkimuksessa

Suomalaiset jakavat Korona-arvosanoja Asiakkuusindeksi 2020 -tutkimuksessa

Vuoden 2020 paras asiakaskokemus oli  Mustilla ja Mirrillä. Kuvassa Mustin ja Mirrin maajohtaja Timo Tervo, ASML:n Jari Perko ja Avauksen Tom...
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Google is changing the rules of competition in cloud business

Google is changing the rules of competition in cloud business

For quite a long time Google Cloud has been neglected to be taken seriously especially within enterprise clients. But when looking...
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Så lägger marknadsförare om strategin på grund av corona: ökat fokus på samhällsansvar

Så lägger marknadsförare om strategin på grund av corona: ökat fokus på samhällsansvar

Publicerad i Resumé: 15 April 2020, 14:54 Coronapandemin driver på förflyttningen från traditionella till digitala kanaler, samtidigt ökar företagens satsningar inom...
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M&M article: Emma Storbacka –Avaus expects only a slight dip after Coronavirus

M&M article: Emma Storbacka –Avaus expects only a slight dip after Coronavirus

In Sweden, the state has imposed fewer restrictions on Covid-19 than in Finland, although currently there are more hospitalised and deceased...
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M&M artikkeli: Emma Storbacka –Avaus odottaa koronasta itselleen vain pientä lommoa

M&M artikkeli: Emma Storbacka –Avaus odottaa koronasta itselleen vain pientä lommoa

Artikkeli on alunperin julkaistu Markkinointi&Mainonta -sivustolla   Ruotsissa valtio on asettanut asukkailleen vähemmän koronavirukseen liittyviä rajoitteita kuin Suomessa, vaikka sekä sairaalahoitoon...
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A business framework for COVID-19 response and adaptation

A business framework for COVID-19 response and adaptation

When the operating environment changes rapidly, as it has presently, our ability to make informed decisions is challenged. We have less...
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