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How do we minimise your time spent achieving your data-driven vision?

A few years ago, we started working on the Avaus component library, and it has proven to be extremely useful in many aspects. In order to increase efficiency and share knowledge with all of our consultants, we began writing reusable pieces of code. This has proven to be a winning concept, with positive results not only internally, but also in the work we do for clients.


Technical assets for automating marketing and sales use cases are included in the library, and with its assistance, your time spent achieving your data-driven vision is reduced. It not only saves time, but it also improves the quality of the work. Not bad, right?


The library is divided into three different components:

  • Data components: Helps you combine data from different sources, for example online and offline data into one profile in just a few weeks.
  • Algo components: Helps you create artificial intelligence at scale, by helping you create reusable features, target labels and pipelines.
  • Action components: Makes sure that something happens, that your data and algos are activated, across your marketing and sales channels.


Watch the following video, where our colleague Eric explains the Avaus component library in more detail.




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