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Privacy policy statement


Here at Avaus Marketing Innovations (“Avaus”), we are fully committed to maintaining the confidentiality and security of the data, that can be used to identify you or other data subjects (“Personal Data”). Your privacy is always at the top of our priorities, and Avaus is committed to processing Personal Data lawfully and focused on protecting it from unauthorised access.

This page informs you of our policies regarding the processing, such as collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Data when you use our services or visit the Avaus Website (“Website”).

The section 5 also informs you of your rights to control the processing of your Personal Data. We advice you to read this policy and make sure you fully understand and agree with it, before accessing or using any of our services.
Avaus is committed to protecting your data privacy and data security according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR Regulation 2016/679) and other applicable legislation.


1.1. Purposes and legal basis for processing Personal Data

Here at Avaus we only process Personal Data where it is necessary for specific, fair and legitimate purposes defined beforehand. Avaus doesn’t use Personal Data for any other purpose that to what it was obtained for.

Avaus processes Personal Data for providing services to our customers, to develop Avaus’ customer experience and to manage the customer relationship between us and our customers. We also use Personal Data to develop our products and services and for sales and marketing.

Avaus processes Personal Data only based on a legal basis defined in advance. Avaus Personal Data processing is always based on either Avaus’ legitimate interest, a contract or a consent.

The Personal Data Avaus collects and processes can be categorized to: 1) the data you have given to us, and 2) the observed data of the use of the Website or service provided by us.

In the following, we give you more information on the legal basis for processing of Personal Data of Avaus and information on what kind of Personal Data Avaus processes and for which purpose.

1.1.1. Processing based on a contract

Based on the contract we have with our customers, we process Personal Data to provide the agreed service and to communicate with the customers.

Also based on a contractual basis we process Personal Data to contact data subjects who register to our newsletter, download whitepapers or other professional information or submit enquiries to the Website. For that purpose, we process the following Personal Data:

  • Name
  • Contact details (e-mail, phone number)
  • Position in company
  • Information on the services provided by Avaus
  • Messages and feedback

1.1.2. Processing based on legitimate interest of Avaus

Based on Avaus’ legitimate interest we process Personal Data for B2B direct marketing and sales purposes and for keeping the Website working properly.

For direct marketing and sales purposes we may send you event invitations, event related communications or contact you by e-mail or phone. For that purpose, we process the following Personal Data:

  • Name
  • Contact details (e-mail, phone number)
  • Data on use of Website (page visit times, registration to event)
  • Data necessary for attending an event (company, title, dietary restrictions)

1.1.3. Processing based on consent

Based on the consent you might give to us, we process your Personal Data to sales and marketing. We ask for your consent when you give us your e-mail in connection with downloading whitepapers or other professional information from the Website.

For marketing purposes we may also send you event invitations and other event related communications. For that purpose and with your consent, we process the following Personal Data:

  • E-mail address
  • Phone number
  • Name
  • Company
  • Country

You can always withdraw the consent you gave us when you downloaded material from our Website. Withdraw your consent here.

We also ask for your consent to Personal Data processing for the use of cookies. More information can be found in the section 2 below.


To help improve your user experience and the performance of the Website, Avaus stores cookies on your computer or portable device, and Avaus may use web beacons or pixel tags.

For the use of cookies we ask for your consent.

Pixel tags and web beacons are graphic images, such as a GIF or PNG, placed on certain pages on the Website or in our emails to you that allow Avaus to determine whether you have performed a specific action. Cookies are small text files that a website places on your browser. Cookies, web beacons and tracking technologies are widely used for security, to learn about and improve upon how users navigate a website, or to enable certain features. Cookies also allow Avaus to collect non-personal data from you, like which pages you visited and what links you clicked on. Cookies, pixel tags and web beacons, by themselves, do not tell Avaus your e-mail address or other Personal Data unless you choose to provide this information to Avaus by, for example, subscribing to our newsletter on the Website. However, once you choose to furnish the Website with Personal Data by subscribing to our newsletter, this Personal Data may be linked to the data stored in the cookie. Avaus uses cookies to understand site usage and to improve the content and offerings on the Website. For example, Avaus may use cookies to personalise your experience at the Website (e.g., to recognise you by name when you return to the Website).

If you consent to the use of cookies Avaus may use them for personalising your browsing experience, for marketing and for offering you products, programs, or services which might interest you.

This privacy policy covers the use of cookies by the Website only and does not cover the use of cookies by any third party. If you choose to disable cookies, some areas of the Website may not work properly or at all.

More information about cookies can be found at


The data you provide to us will be held in a secure cloud managed by Avaus and may be accessed by or given to our staff and service providers who act for Avaus for the purposes set out in this policy. Those parties process data, fulfill and deliver orders and provide support services on our behalf.

Unless required to do so by law, Avaus will not otherwise share, sell or distribute any of the data you provide to Avaus.


Avaus deploys security measures to protect your data from getting access by unauthorised persons and against unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction and damage.

All Personal Data processing takes place in the EU/EEA.

Avaus will maintain the Personal Data processing on behalf of the Website users and customers for as long as needed to provide services to the Website users and/or customers. Avaus will make regular checks to make sure all Personal Data is still needed and updated. Avaus will retain and use this Personal Data as necessary to comply with Avaus’ legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.


At Avaus we are committed to fair, lawful and transparent Personal Data processing. We want to make sure all Personal Data we process is necessary for the purposes defined above and always up to date.

You have the right to access and control your Personal Data as following:

  • You have the right to receive a confirmation on whether your Personal Data is being or has been processed by Avaus. You have the right to view the Personal Data held about you and you can ask us to send you a copy of your Personal Data undergoing our processing.
  • You have the right to request any necessary changes to ensure that your Personal Data processed by Avaus are accurate and kept up to date.
  • You have the right to request us to delete or limit the processing of the Personal Data which is no longer necessary for Avaus or if you withdraw your consent.
  • You have the right to object the processing of your Personal Data if it is processed on the basis of a legitimate interest of Avaus. You can always prohibit us from processing your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes.

At your request, Avaus will correct, remove or supplement any misrepresented, unnecessary, incomplete or outdated Personal Data about you. To use your rights above, please contact Avaus’ privacy support (contact details below).

Also, if you think Avaus is not processing your Personal Data appropriately, you may file in a complaint to the supervisory authorities.

Avaus’ customer support contact details:
Contact person: Avaus’ Chief Information Security Officer, Marcus Grantelius

Albertinkatu 25 B
FI-00180 Helsinki, Finland
Tel. +358 40 568 0636 (Reception, Mon – Fri 9.00-16.00)



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