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Avaus “Agency of the Year Sweden 2020” Nominee

Avaus “Agency of the Year Sweden 2020” Nominee

Media Release 24.1.2020 Avaus "Agency of the Year Sweden 2020" Nominee Avaus CEO Emma Storbacka   Avaus has been nominated to...
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The New Marketing and the Management Challenge

The New Marketing and the Management Challenge

As long as digital marketing primarily deals with the narrow process of interfacing with customers, it will struggle significantly to impact...
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Avaus selvittää asiakastiedon hyödyntämistä HSLn palveluissa

Avaus selvittää asiakastiedon hyödyntämistä HSLn palveluissa

Mediatiedote 5.12.2019   Asiakastieto parantamaan julkista liikennettä Avaus selvittää asiakastiedon hyödyntämistä HSL:n palveluissa   Analytiikkaan ja asiakastiedon hyödyntämiseen erikoistunut Avaus selvittää...
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#Älyradio – Salesforce podcast 31: Emma Storbacka

#Älyradio – Salesforce podcast 31: Emma Storbacka

#Älyradio - Salesforce podcast jakso 31: Emma Storbacka, Avaus: “Yli puolet datahankkeista epäonnistuu tuottamaan mitään bisnesarvoa”     Data sitä ja...
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Cookbook with 50 Recipes to Speed Up AI Uptake

Cookbook with 50 Recipes to Speed Up AI Uptake

Analytics, data and martech consultancy Avaus launches a cookbook with detailed advice for companies that want to improve marketing competitiveness with...
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Kokbok med 50 konkreta recept skall sätta fart på AI-revolutionen

Kokbok med 50 konkreta recept skall sätta fart på AI-revolutionen

Pressmeddelande 7.11.2019 Avaus kokar soppa på data i svenska företag: Kokbok med 50 konkreta recept skall sätta fart på AI-revolutionen  ...
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More than 50% of analytics initiatives fail to deliver value – this is the solution

More than 50% of analytics initiatives fail to deliver value – this is the solution

Typically, when businesses talk about AI, 80% of the focus goes into the algo variable of the equation and only a...
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AI in Marketing & Sales: 50 Practical Recipes to Become Data-driven

AI in Marketing & Sales: 50 Practical Recipes to Become Data-driven

As leaders in marketing, sales and customer experience, we all are under pressure to create better results with the same -...
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Finnish CMOs are Investing Heavily in Data and Analytics

Finnish CMOs are Investing Heavily in Data and Analytics

Avaus/IAB FINLAND: Media release November 5th, 2019   Marketing 2020 Survey: Finnish CMOs are Investing Heavily in Data and Analytics Avaus...
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Asiakkuusindeksi 2019: Aurinkomatkat paras asiakaskokemuksessa, IKEA nousi ykköseksi asiakasuskollisuudessa

Asiakkuusindeksi 2019: Aurinkomatkat paras asiakaskokemuksessa, IKEA nousi ykköseksi asiakasuskollisuudessa

Mediatiedote 24.10. 2019 Asiakkuusindeksi 2019: Aurinkomatkat paras asiakaskokemuksessa, IKEA nousi ykköseksi asiakasuskollisuudessa   Asiakkuusindeksi 2019-tutkimuksen tulosjulkistuksessa asiakaskokemus-indeksissä ykköseksi nousi Aurinkomatkat pistein 83,2....
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Markkinointiteknologia – Maisema 2019 300 miljoonan euron markkina, 71 uutta yritystä

Markkinointiteknologia – Maisema 2019 300 miljoonan euron markkina, 71 uutta yritystä

Analytiikkaan ja markkinointiteknologiaan erikoistuneen Avauksen kartoituksessa on löytynyt 186 suomalaisyritystä, jotka tuottavat markkinoinnin teknologiaratkaisuja. Avauksen edellinen kartoitus on vuodelta 2017. Kartoituksessa...
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Finnish MarTech Landscape update 2019: A 300 Million € Business with 71 New Companies on the Map

Finnish MarTech Landscape update 2019: A 300 Million € Business with 71 New Companies on the Map

Finnish MarTech Landscape update 2019:  A 300 Million € Business with 71 New Companies on the Map   The latest update...
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Generate Leads Effectively With Webinars B2B

Generate Leads Effectively With Webinars B2B

What content format best engages our target audience? A million-dollar question for every B2B marketer! It is not enough to measure...
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Analytics Tactic Spotlight: Customer Lifetime Value

Analytics Tactic Spotlight: Customer Lifetime Value

The concept of Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) might seem self-explanatory, but there are lots of misconceptions of what CLV is and...
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Future of Growth Hacking

Future of Growth Hacking

Now we are happy to see that growth hacking is finally getting the attention it deserves. Our hero, Sean Ellis, just...
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Photographing a Black Hole – or How to Turn Petabytes of Data Into a 100kB Picture

Photographing a Black Hole – or How to Turn Petabytes of Data Into a 100kB Picture

On April 10th 2019, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project team released the first picture ever taken of a black hole....
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Azure Data Flow – ETL in the cloud

Azure Data Flow – ETL in the cloud

Azure Data Factory is, in many cases, the go-to service when orchestrating data to and from an Azure instance. We say...
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What Did a Digital Village Shopkeeper Gain From a DMP system?

What Did a Digital Village Shopkeeper Gain From a DMP system?

This blog post looks at the concrete benefits of DMP (Data Management Platform) systems through the eyes of our imaginary old-time...
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The AI Marketing Landscape is Growing Fast

The AI Marketing Landscape is Growing Fast

In our series of marketing technology landscapes, Avaus’ team has focused on mapping AI solutions this time. This first-ever published AI...
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5 key Takeaways from Avaus Expert Talks 2019

5 key Takeaways from Avaus Expert Talks 2019

How do we turn data into business results while breaking down the silos? This is the most common question that many...
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