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5 Steps Approach to Improve Your Content Process

5 Steps Approach to Improve Your Content Process

Increasing content efficiency requires first and foremost a transformation of the way people work and interact with one another. The complexity...
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Ensuring Customer Profitability in a downturn

Ensuring Customer Profitability in a downturn

The downturn will require focus to be reset on classic CRM strategies: Up- and cross-selling, along with retention and profitability management.
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Tough Choices Ahead – Restructuring Marketing for Efficiency

Tough Choices Ahead – Restructuring Marketing for Efficiency

In the current Covid-19 crisis, sales & marketing expenditure is spotlighted as one of the main areas for cost reductions.
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Achieving a 25% Efficiency Gain in Media Purchasing

Achieving a 25% Efficiency Gain in Media Purchasing

Instead of discreet campaigns, digital campaign structure should be seen as a machine learning model. From a ML standpoint, it is...
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Mid-Long Term Recommendations for end 2020-early 2021

Mid-Long Term Recommendations for end 2020-early 2021

For strong companies, the current recession and the ensuing recovery will provide opportunities for repositioning, market share capture and competitive gains.
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Capture Market Share without Outspending Everyone

Capture Market Share without Outspending Everyone

Traditional agency wisdom for these circumstances is to outspend your competition. The proposition is that excessive share of voice (ESOV) drives...
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Så lägger marknadsförare om strategin på grund av corona: ökat fokus på samhällsansvar

Så lägger marknadsförare om strategin på grund av corona: ökat fokus på samhällsansvar

Publicerad i Resumé: 15 April 2020, 14:54 Coronapandemin driver på förflyttningen från traditionella till digitala kanaler, samtidigt ökar företagens satsningar inom...
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How have Nordic Marketers Responded to the Covid-19 Crisis?

How have Nordic Marketers Responded to the Covid-19 Crisis?

As macro- and microeconomic data from China and other major economies become increasingly available, Nordic market data remain sparse.
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How Should Marketers Respond?

How Should Marketers Respond?

As we are in the fourth week of the Nordic corona crisis, and the third week of restrictions in Sweden and...
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Life in Lockdown: Social Responsibility, Supermarkets and Online Meetings our New Focal Points

Life in Lockdown: Social Responsibility, Supermarkets and Online Meetings our New Focal Points

As we are in the fourth week of the Nordic corona crisis and the third week of restrictions in Sweden and...
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What are the Costs of Lockdown in Finland? Covid-19 Macroeconomics for Marketers

What are the Costs of Lockdown in Finland? Covid-19 Macroeconomics for Marketers

Finnish companies have given notice of up to 150 000 redundancies by March 26th. In Sweden, the figures are substantially lower...
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What will Covid-19 do to Marketing Budgets 2020-2021?

What will Covid-19 do to Marketing Budgets 2020-2021?

We have tried to find some answers for what lies ahead for the marketing industry by putting Covid-19 in the historical...
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Short Term CMO actions

Short Term CMO actions

After our first Covid-19 Response digest last week, many of you asked us fundamental questions about our views on what the...
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7 Most Important Mobile App Metrics to Follow

7 Most Important Mobile App Metrics to Follow

Most organisations are currently scrambling to drive more customers to interact in digital channels - on apps and websites. Optimising websites...
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M&M article: Emma Storbacka –Avaus expects only a slight dip after Coronavirus

M&M article: Emma Storbacka –Avaus expects only a slight dip after Coronavirus

In Sweden, the state has imposed fewer restrictions on Covid-19 than in Finland, although currently there are more hospitalised and deceased...
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M&M artikkeli: Emma Storbacka –Avaus odottaa koronasta itselleen vain pientä lommoa

M&M artikkeli: Emma Storbacka –Avaus odottaa koronasta itselleen vain pientä lommoa

Artikkeli on alunperin julkaistu Markkinointi&Mainonta -sivustolla   Ruotsissa valtio on asettanut asukkailleen vähemmän koronavirukseen liittyviä rajoitteita kuin Suomessa, vaikka sekä sairaalahoitoon...
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B2B Digital Sales Blueprint

B2B Digital Sales Blueprint

We have developed a B2B Digital Sales Blueprint, that serves as a first aid kit on how to rapidly increase digital...
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Covid-19 Response #1: Preparing for the New Normal

Covid-19 Response #1: Preparing for the New Normal

The current public health crisis dwarfs any previous economic disruption, save the wars, to the extent that it has disconnected and...
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A business framework for COVID-19 response and adaptation

A business framework for COVID-19 response and adaptation

When the operating environment changes rapidly, as it has presently, our ability to make informed decisions is challenged. We have less...
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Avaus reacts to Covid-19 outbreak – Initial internal and customer perspectives

Avaus reacts to Covid-19 outbreak – Initial internal and customer perspectives

During the last days the Covid-19 situation has escalated. We have had a team working on Covid-19 related risk management since...
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