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ABB – Content Marketing for ABB Marine & Ports

Making ABB Marine more distinctive by increasing focus on the people behind the technology and the services.

ABB Marine Ports & Service was looking a partner that could recreate and give meaning to their new value proposition “People to the Power of Electric Digital and Connected.” The concept was to create distinctiveness from competitors, and eventually bring sales qualified leads. The deliverables consisted of online marketing displays and a film.

Duration: 10 weeks

Team size: 3 people

Team roles: Creative Lead, Creative Strategist & Concept Designer, Project Manager

Ongoing / project: Project


The target audience was accustomed to very traditional communications expressing technology and facts. A fresh way to distinguish from competitors was needed to persuade the audience to listen to the message. Another challenge was that the budget for the entire launch concept was moderate, especially as Avaus also needed to include a film as one of the creative deliverables.


Avaus insight for the concept was that in a sector dominated by technology, innovation, systems and services, the business often seems aloof and anonymous to the outside world. The emphasis of the project was to show the real people behind the systems and services. The perception of ABB Marine & Service as a cold and calculated tech, system and service-driven company needed to be changed to be warmer and more people-centric.

The deliverables were split into two phases. In the first phase, Avaus created a long film, a short version and a key visual. The second phase consisted of continuous materials such as social media posts and banners.


Read more about our B2B Services here



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