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Anticimex – Hacking Growth: Results within weeks

Active growth hacking leading to significant results in sales, conversion rates and customer experience within a highly competitive and localised low-margin market.

The client was aware that future-proofing both marketing and sales was a crucial step for scaling up operations and maintaining long-term growth. Anticimex looked to Avaus for help, and a three-month pilot project was initiated to find a verified and globally scalable concept for digital marketing and sales in the German market.

Duration: 3,5 months

Team size: 7 people

Team roles: Strategy consultant, ExO, PM, System Specialist, AD, Web Analyst

Ongoing / project: Project

Technology stack: Marketo, Custom CRM, Google Analytics, Freespee, Ion Interactive, Intercom, Leadfeeder


Anticimex had the potential to capture a significant share of the market in the large and highly decentralised German market for pest control. However, it could only be achieved by also building the capability to compete with local actors holding close relationships with their customers. Additionally, this had to be achieved across the whole portfolio, ranging from low-margin, high volume services to advanced market-leading B2B solutions. All of this requires a physical presence as a significant part of the sales and service delivery.


To reach results rapidly and speed up the learning process, a hypothesis-driven way of working was adopted, with a significant focus on automating processes. Digital content was used to educate potential B2B customers about complex solutions at scale. Additionally, by leveraging sophisticated digital marketing tools, campaigns and programs, Anticimex was able to generate personalised and localised customer experiences. Significant elements of the marketing and sales processes were automated to realise profits in spite of the slim margins in segments with small, highly localised competitors.


Full marketing capability was set up in months, instead of years. Results accumulated already within the first month. Active growth hacking work on a daily basis resulted in 5X conversion rate improvements and landing page conversion increases of up to 35 %. There was also a significant impact on the sales pipeline, with approximately 40% of the pipeline generated during the pilot period being attributable to the web, and ultimately giving a significant boost to sales.


Read more about our B2B Services here

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