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Sokos – Significant Improvements in Sales Through Targeted, Personalised & Automated Marketing Programs

Sokos is a Finland-based department store chain that consists of online store, 20 large department stores with diverse product selections and 4 smaller stores that focus on beauty and wellbeing for both women and men. 

We have been helping Sokos to build 10 automated email marketing campaigns that have resulted in significantly improved Ecommerce sales. The campaigns have been designed and developed utilising data of the customers’ purchasing behaviour which means we can target them with messaging relevant to their stage in the customer lifecycle 

Our team at Sokos consisted of a Marketing Automation Specialist and a Senior Targeting Analyst. 

60% higher online purchase rate among target group

Over half a million unique customers reached


30% higher value of average purchase among target group


  • Sokos’ email marketing used to be mainly focused on campaigns that consisted of generic messages for a mass audience. 
  • Creating marketing campaigns required time and effort because everything from material production to operating campaign messages needed to be done case by case from scratch.
  • Personalising messages was a really heavy process requiring manual work that only a handful of people were able to do.



  • Designing and implementing 10 automatically triggered email marketing campaigns for Sokos customers. 
  • The campaign use cases cover the whole customer lifecycle from acquiring new customers to onboarding and preventing churn
  • By having these automated programs in place, we are able to provide relevant content for the customer no matter what their stage of the lifecycle is.
  • The use cases include automated personalised product recommendations which make the content even more relevant to the customer and decrease the amount of manual work needed.



  • By developing automated processes, analysis of customer data, reporting and agile working methods together with the client, we have been able to create undeniable business results not only for Sokos but also for other brands of the S Group.
  • By continuously analysing data and optimising actions based on it, we have been able to see a huge improvement in conversion rates. 
  • From the data, we can see that the customers who have been a part of the Sokos use cases purchased significantly more from the online store than the customers belonging to a control group: The participants in the best customer use case, for example, have a 60% higher online purchase rate and a 30% higher average purchase than the control group. If we look at all of the use cases, we can observe that online store purchases have increased by 36%.
  • With the automated marketing campaign use cases, we’ve reached over half a million unique customers, and many of them have participated in several programs during their customer lifecycle.

“Our digital team’s biggest aim is to be customer-centric and create relevant content for our customers. By having Avaus’ Experts in our team, we have significantly improved customer understanding and relevance. With our automated programs, we have been able to take an important leap towards customer-centricity. Our team’s working flow is great, innovative and the level of commitment is very high. We are very happy that customers get the benefit of our data when everything we do is based on data analysis.”


– Veera Korvenkari, Digital Strategist, SOK



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