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McDonald’s – Digital transformation partner for McDonald’s Sweden

Duration: 3 years

Team size: 10-15 people

Roles: Strategy consultant, Project manager, Data manager, System specialist, System architect, CRM analyst, Front-end developer

Ongoing / Project: Ongoing

Technology: MDB, Marketing Cloud, Service Cloud, Tableau


McDonald’s wanted a solution that would create a sustainable source of business value.
This long-term approach required discipline and vision to see through successfully.

The multiple development horizons of strategy, technology, analytics and way-of-working had to closely align to ensure that each step forward was taken in the same direction at the right pace.


The end result includes a sustainable customer engagement strategy which delivers measurable results. It is enabled by a powerful customer engagement platform powered by
first-party customer data in a marketing database.

Systematic analytics and reporting processes are in place to ensure that decisions are data-driven and empowered by a stream of continuous learning.

The way-of-working has also improved – with teams rallying around business objectives rather than staying in silos, and utilizing agile cross-competence methodologies in day-to-day work. Most important of all – the customer experience is
measurable along the entire process from planning to enagement to the bottom line.



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