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Restructuring Marketing for Efficiency


Practical CMO tips for managing in an economic downturn

Data & Automation – Obsession worthy concepts for managing cost

Hear Avaus CEO Emma Storbacka share how scaling up data and automation capabilities helps organizations improve efficiency.

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Recipes for staff efficiency in marketing

With inhoused teams and too little focus on output compared to cost, many CMOs are finding that there are improvement areas to consider for increasing the staff efficiency in an economic downturn.

Recipes for increasing profitability of your existing customers

In this webinar from 2020, some evergreen tips on managing the profitability of your customer base are shared by Emma Storbacka and Anna Trygg

Restructuring marketing for efficiency

For any CMO managing a brand in an economic downturn or time of uncertainty, similar guidelines apply. In this webinar, you will hear how focusing on your existing customer base, improving cost efficiency where possible as well as investing in better customer experience for long term competitive advantage is key



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