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XXL – Getting the basics in place to become data-driven & more personalized



XXL has since 2001 evolved into one of the largest sports retailers in the Nordics. Customers can easily access a broad range of sports and outdoor products in physical and online stores. The newly set vision is to become the preferred destination in Europe for sports and outdoor.

XXL has partnered with Avaus to support its ambition of becoming data-driven and more personalized toward its customer base. To hit the ground running it was decided to start with getting some basics in place and build a foundation for the future.


“We used Avaus as a SWAT team to develop automated campaigns and set up a CLM framework for managing customers in different stages of their lifecycles. They were structured, proactive and delivered above our expectations. They helped us improve our current state while providing insights into how we can continue our journey”

– Freddy Sobin, CEO at XXL


The approach consisted of three main deliverables:

  1. Developing automated use cases
  2. Defining a Customer Lifetime Management (CLM) framework 
  3. Developing a company-specific GPT for multi-language content creation

Use case selection was based on scalable impact and immediate value capture (how fast can it create uplift revenue).

The CLM framework was defined by analyzing customer behaviour in different lifecycle stages across local markets.

The XXLGPT used public and private XXL data and collaborative model training to ensure generated content relevant to XXL.


When planning and prioritising use cases the main considerations lay in: 

  • What is the quality of the data? How much can we trust it? And what data points are good enough to use?
  • Where in the lifecycle are the majority of the customers right now? Which customers currently receive frequent communications, and which do not?

When setting the CLM framework we took the client’s expertise into account. We heavily relied on analyzing the data to see what different sections were applicable, and what parameters were necessary for the different parts of the customer lifecycle.

When creating the GenAI for XXL, a big focus was on competence development and creating this together with XXL. 

4 use cases, in 4 channels, in 4 markets

40+ automations implemented

CLM framework

XXL-specific GenAI for copy creation and translation


In 11 weeks our team managed to help XXL:

  • Build 4 use cases, in 4 channels, in four markets.
  • Implement 40+ automations.
  • Create a CLM framework indicating how to work with different sections of their customers in an adapted way. Segments were set-up live in Voyado.
  • Train a company-specific GenAI on XXL material and data for copy creation and translation.


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