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Atlas Copco – Accelerating AI progress through a hands-on PoC

In this project, Avaus helped Atlas Copco Industrial Technique speed up on the path to using Generative AI to create value. This was done through testing two practical applications of large language models (“LLMs”).

The first test included a PoC version of a virtual assistant set up to find and make technical information from different sources available to people globally within the organization. In the second, technical experts used speech-to-text technology to speed up the creation of user guides.

Through hands-on collaboration across R&D, IT, marketing, and other business domains, ideas were generated on how to use AI to improve R&D and customer service processes, boost efficiency in content creation for marketing, support sales, and increase overall productivity.

Through the project Atlas Copco Industrial Technique also explored which types of data that are suited for AI, what competencies they will need as well as how to increase the understanding of what it means to work with AI within their organization. Based on that a roadmap and business case were developed together with detailed use case designs and requirements for a Pilot.

“The one closest to a problem is usually the one that has the solution. These are some of the things we learn by doing – and with this new technology developing as we speak – we need to be fast learners! AI needs to be managed like any other change process. To be more effective with the resources that we have, we need to be part of the change that is coming with AI.”

– Nicklas Tibblin, VP Business Development at Atlas Copco

“By collaborating with Avaus, we have gained new learnings and learned how to scale our use of Generative AI. The PoC scratched the surface of what we can and should do with AI and we are excited about the next steps.”

– Karin Reichard, Program Manager Digital Twin at Atlas Copco

“Having worked with ITBA (Industrial tools & assembly) on creating their digital marketing foundation and other data-related marketing and sales topics, we extended our own AvausGPT to help Atlas Copco accelerate progress in making valuable use of AI.”

– Joakim Rönnblom, B2B Lead at Avaus

Project: Gen AI proof-of-concept

Customer: Atlas Copco

Duration: 6 weeks

Team: Senior Strategy Lead, Solution Architect, Data Engineer, Project Manager



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