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Avaus Expert Talks 8: What every Marketing & Sales executive should know about Privacy

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While customers are seeking for more personalised experiences that meet their individual needs, there are also increasing concerns about privacy and how data is being used. 

Both the regulatory and technological landscape are evolving rapidly. We expect that the speed of change in the Privacy field will only accelerate, which means that every company needs to understand the implications, react and adapt. 

Top Management & Leaders mostly lack the technical insights and awareness of principles on turning Privacy from a blocker to an enabler. Unfortunately without Management support legal ends up prohibiting the full use of customer and marketing data within the digital transformation journey most companies are in.

In this Avaus Expert Talks, Teemu Relander (Avaus), Matti Suominen (Wärtsilä) and Otto Lindholm (Dottir) discuss the following topics:


  • How to foster a privacy friendly atmosphere and culture in the organisation
  • Privacy First approach and privacy by design explained shortly
  • Key focus areas for Top Management to pay attention to

Otto Lindholm
Counsel and Head of Data & Privacy at Dottir

Otto is an accomplished technology and data lawyer. He is experienced in advising businesses on a wide range of technology-related matters, both contractual and regulatory, including those relating to outsourcing and transformation projects, data and platform driven businesses, software licensing and SaaS, IoT, and many other things digital.

Matti Suominen
Head of Product Incident Response at Wärtsilä

Matti is responsible for running and developing the PSIRT team as well as coordinating and taking part in incident response activities related to Wärtsilä products.

Teemu Relander
Business Lead – Data & Analytics at Avaus

Teemu has a proven track record in combining business understanding and strategic thinking in innovative ways with data & analytics in the field of sales, marketing and customer experience optimization. He has a wide perspective into the digital ecosystem from angles varying from establishing agencies and working for both the publisher and advertiser side. As specific interest area it’s good to mention utilizing privacy by design methodologies.



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