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Are you ready to improve your data literacy and take the algo leap?

What is an Algo Leap?

Taking the Algo Leap means actively deciding to learn and apply AI in your daily work – either as a leader or a practitioner. 

Did you know, that Data Literacy – ability to understand and communicate the impact of data – is the biggest prohibitor of capturing data driven value in organisations according to Gartner, 2020.


Learn more and sign up

Algo Leap - Trainings

If you want to improve your own skill set or the understanding in your team, you can sign up to our Algo Leap trainings during this year. 

In these online trainings you will: 

  • Understand how to apply the Data x Algo x Action framework
  • Gain practical understanding on data and algorithms
  • Create your own first Algorithm hands on


Learn more and sign up

Algo Leap - for your organisation

At Avaus we help organisations develop data and analytics capabilities through automated use cases that create tangible business results in marketing, sales and customer experience.

In our AI for Marketing and Sales Cookbook we have collected 50 use case “recipes” by using our Data x Algo x Action methodology.


Watch Cookbook intro webinar

Download Avaus AI Cookbook

Setting your data centric vision

If you are ready to begin working on setting the vision for how to improve sales and marketing results by leveraging data and automation in your organisation, we are here to help!


Outokumpu’s 5 week data vision project

Contact us



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